R Installation For Windows:

 Step 1:

Go to the site R-project.org

r installation windows

Step 2:

Click Download R

r installation windows

 Step 3:


r installation windows

Step 4:

Download R For Windows

r installation windows

Step 5:

install R for the first time

r installation in windows

step 6:

Download R 3.3.1 for Windows

r installation in windows

After Completion of the  Download install it.

r installation in windows

r installation in windows

r installation in windows

Step 7:


Assign a variable to 15.

 > a <- 15

 display the value of the variable

 > a

Check the Data type of the variable

> class(a)

Check if the variable is integer or numeric

> is.integer(a)


Assign the variable Data type into integer


r installation in windows

R Installation For Ubuntu:

Step 1:

open the terminal and enter the following command:

sudo apt-get update

r installation in ubuntu

 Step 2:

After finishing the update run the following command:

sudo apt-get install r-base

r installation ubuntu

Step 3:

After that Enter R to the command prompt.

r installation in ubuntu

r installation in ubuntu