Hbase Installation
In this session we discuss about Hbase installation in standalone mode
Hbase :
HBase is a column-oriented database management system that runs on top of HDFS. It is well suited for sparse data sets, which are common in many big data use cases. Unlike relational database systems, HBase does not support a structured query language like SQL; in fact, HBase isn’t a relational data store at all. HBase applications are written in Java much like a typical MapReduce application. HBase does support writing applications in Avro, REST, and Thrift.
Hbase Installation :
Step 1 : Download hbase
Download hbase-1.1.3-bin.tar.gz and Extract the folder in required location.
Step 2 : Configure hbase
Get into Hbase/conf folder and select the hbase-env.sh file and set the following path.
# java_home path
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle
# hadoop_home path
export HADOOP_HOME=/home/geouser/hadoop-2.7.1
# hbase_home path
export HBASE_HOME=/home/geouser/hbase-1.0.1
Step 3 : To store data in local
Open hbase-site.xml file and paste the below commands.
<value>file:///home/geouser/hbase-1.0.1/hbase- data</value>
Step 4 : To store data in hdfs
Open hbase-site.xml file and paste the below commands in between the configuration tag
Step 5 : set path in bashrc
Open bashrc using the command in the terminal
$ sudo gedit .bashrc
Step 6 : Installation of ZooKeeper
Download zookeeper-3.4.6.tar.gz and extract the file in required directory.
Rename zoo_sample.cfg to zoo.cfg from the location zookeeper/conf.
cd zookeeper-3.4.6/bin (In Terminal we have to type)
start the zkServer.sh
./zkServer.sh start (It start the Hquorumpeermain services)
Jps (To check the daemons)
Step 7 : Starting hbase services
cd hbase-1.1.3/bin (In Terminal)
./start-hbase.sh //(Local mode starts only Hmaster, where Hadoop mode starts Hmaster and Hregionserver)
jps (To check the daemons)
Step 8 : Start hbase shell
Goto hbase/bin directory in the terminal and type the command
$ ./hbase shell
# Finally Hbase shell will be open like bellow figure.
Hbase installation completed.