Hive is a data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop for providing data summarization, query, and analysis.


Hive scripts are used to execute a set of Hive commands collectively. This is used for reducing time and effort invested in writing and executing each command manually.

Creating a Hive Script and run multiple commands


First Open the notepad or any text editor


Writing the script (Multiple commands) and save it as .sql file

Save the following script as named Employee.sql
hive,script file in hive,script file hive


Open a terminal


Run the script

hive -f <path of the script file>

hive -f /home/geouser/Documents/Employee.sql

hive,script file in hive,script file hive



hive,script file in hive,script file hive

hive,script file in hive,script file hive

hive,script file in hive,script file hive

Description about commands:

Drop table Employee_details;

-> Drop the table if already exist,

create table Employee_details (e_no varchar(20), e_name string, e_salary int, role string) row format delimited fields terminated by ‘,’ lines terminated by ‘\n’;

-> Create a table named as Employee_details with 4 columns (e_no,e_name,e_salary,role)

load data local inpath ‘/home/geouser/Documents/employee_details’ into table Employee_details;

-> Load the datas from local file (employee_details) to Hive table (Employee_details)

employee_details (data stored in local)

hive,script file in hive,script file hive

insert into Employee_details values (‘EM160DA05’,’Andrason ‘,1000000,’Data Analyst’),(‘EM160DA06′,’Alaisbrist’,1005000,’Data Analyst’);

-> Insert the value to the Employee_details table using Insert command

select * from Employee_details;

-> Select the all data from the Employee_details table

hive,script file in hive,script file hive

select e_no,e_name,e_salary,role from Employee_details order by (e_no);

-> Select all the data from the Employee_details table with order

hive,script file in hive,script file hive

select e_no, e_salary from Employee_details;

-> Select specific columns from the Employee_details table

hive,script file in hive,script file hive

select * from Employee_details where e_salary > 1000000;

-> Select the data based on the condition from the table Employee_detail

hive,script file in hive,script file hive

select e_no,e_name,role from Employee_details where e_salary > 1000000 AND e_salary < 2000000;

-> Select the data based on the condition from the Employee_details table

hive,script file in hive,script file hive